Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Tuesday, November 18, 2003


It's kind of interesting how things happen sometimes. My grandma passed away on the 13th, and I keep regretting not calling her when I was going to. I kept thinking to myself the week before, that , 'hey I should call grandma, I haven't talked to her in along time, ,I wonder how she's doing'. But sadly I never got the chance.

What's my point you may ask? I guess never take your grandparents for granted, cause you never know when your gonna wake up one morning and their not going to be there anymore. So get up, give them a call, say hello, cause you never know when it will be that you will never hear their voice again, never hear another story about how they had to walk 5 miles through 5 feet of snow, through -50 weather, to get to school, never smell their cooking again; those smells that remind you of Christmas or any other time you went over there for only a few minutes and ended up staying for hours.

But I will leave you now,
Call your grandparents, let them know you love them because you can't hug a memory,

We love you grandma and we will miss you.


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