Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Monday, August 15, 2005

We came, we saw, we conquered and cried a little on the way

And another summer has come and almost gone. I'm already on my last week and a half of work and I can't help but wonder where the time went. Especially with this job, you work toward something big all summer, and now that its here you wonder where the time went. It hard to believe that the second week of the Summer Games is already underway and even harder to believe that its almost over. At least I can walk away with the knowledge of something new learned and sit back and realize that despite what we went through this summer in our division, it all came out alright. We did the best we could, and it seems to have come out pretty damn good. While it will be nice to be back in classes, I think I am going to miss not only the work that I did, but the people that I was surrounded by everyday, some days more than others.

It is also hard to believe that after this school year is over I will be done my final year of education. This moment that I've been dreading for the last 5 years will finally be here and I have no idea where I will end up. Just brings thoughts of having to look for a job, not having to buy school supplies, never sitting through another class again... It makes me sad thinking about it. But yet I suppose on some level, despite the dread of finding a job and paying back student loans, I am also excited because it starts a new part of my life filled with different challenges and goals. I can't say what will happen, but hopefully it turns out alright and I can find something I enjoy and actually applies to my degree in some way.

But I'm heading to bed for now,
Take Care all