Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

People Amuse Me

Morning all,

Today's mood is somewhat in between, but I do feel a bit better.

But as per the title of this post, one of the gentlemen (I use the term loosely) in my French class this morning was either trying to be witty, or just a dork, I haven't decided which yet, although I'm leaning towards dork. He was also in the same French class as me last semester, and ended up taking part 2 with the same prof as well. I didn't like him much last semester because he struck me as one of those people who thinks they know everything and as such does not need to pay attention and instead sits in the back and talks to his buddies; and makes pathetic attempts to pick up girls while doing group work, which is a bit amusing on its own. But, of course, this semester he ended up sitting in front of me and as such I often get stuck with him when we are asked to pair up and answer questions in the text. The conversation went something like this:

Me: So would you like to ask or answer the questions?
Him: Doesn't matter, I rock at both
Me: I smile sarcarstically as I read the first question
Him: Ummm...just give me a minute, have to think
Me: I wait
Him: Looks at me and says: "I know, I know, I'm a bit slow at this, but this is totally, like, a different language to me" followed by an aren't I cute? grin
Me: I raise my left eyebrow and slightly smirk, and I reply, "I bet it is" while thinking "you're an idot, it's French, your first language is English, of course it's a different language to you"

So we finish the exercise with the shortest answers from him possible, and class ends shortly after.

But I should pay attention to the earthquake lecture now,
Take Care all,


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