Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Why do I bother?

I wake up at 7am three days a week (if I don't sleep through my alarm that is) to come to a class where all I do is write down page numbers from the text book to make the exact same notes that are on the board, which I can also get online later in the day. Same class where there's also good potential of me getting ignored if I do have a question. Sometimes I wonder why I bother, why I don't just sleep till 8 and get up for Greek. Sometimes I wonder why I am wasting $500 on this class. Oh, that's right, I wanted to do a Geography minor, which has now been upgraded to a second major to give me more of a chance to get a decent job when I am done. A better job than an English degree alone may get me. (As much as I love my English major, I am willing to admit the fact that I may not be able to do as much with it as I had hoped. There are jobs of course, but getting them is the hard part.) I suppose I could have went the other way, went to S'toon and got an Archeology degree and now be thousands of miles away from everyone I love, which would be cool for a while, but I would be too homesick after two months I am sure.

But I am going to go back to half paying attention and see if there's some way she can aggravate me in the last 20 minutes of class,

Take care all,


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