Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Not Ignored That Easily

So classes are going fairly well so far. Greek is definitely interesting, but I have an awesome prof so it makes it easier. My only gripe so far this semester is that my Statistical Geography prof, to start with, never seem to know what she is talking about and if you ask a question she does not know the answer to, she just makes something up anyway. It's okay not to know; just find out and bring the answer back next class. Also, she doesn't seem to be a huge fan of me for some reason, possibly because I've missed a few classes over the last month and a half. But frankly I didn't think much about; I could care less what she thinks of me. However, being in a position of teaching, one should set aside those feelings and still try to answer all questions posed to them. So today I had a question regarding the midterm. I put up my hand and waited patiently for five minutes. She looked right at me when she asked if there were any more questions. Instead of acknowledging me, she says, "okay, well if there is no more questions, we will end early today." I was very ticked off. I went up to her after and asked my question anyway, half-surprised she didn't ignore me again. I just don't believe its fair for me to pay $500 for a class only to be ignored when I have a question. So what is the problem? Is it because I missed a few classes? Or is it the skull wristband and purse that makes her think I don't really care enough to be worth her breathe? At least I can ask a question and admit I don't know everything instead of just making it up. And I know your reading this and probably thinking "well maybe she didn't see you, especially if you sit in the back of the room." That's what I would have thought too if only I wouldn't have made eye contact with her three times in the course of having my hand held high. I guess its a good thing I love my laptop, cause after that it may have gone flying across the room.

But I'm going to go study for a Greek quiz
take care all


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