Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Papers and 'Friends'

I'm really starting to get sick of writing papers. I'm getting to the point where I have no motivation in getting some of them done which probably means that the 71% that I get on them could have been a 75% or higher if I had more motivation to write them. Maybe the topics just don't interest me too much. Of course this year does also mark my 17th year of schooling since kindergarten till today, so maybe I'm just getting sick of school. But I know that's not entirely true either, because I do still enjoy the lectures. Well, the ones that I manage to not miss my alarm going off for anyway (oops). So it must just be the essays that I'm getting sick of really, cause I know at the end of summer I am glad to return back to my semi-sloth like state of student.

Something else I began to notice a while ago, and was really prominant last night, was that apparently a few of my friends and I aren't important enough for a 'girls night out' with people who we thought were are friends. Not saying that I want to be invited out by a mass group every week, but it would be nice if once in a while some people made the effort to at least ask us to come without having to be yelled at by others that realize they are being petty. So last night at the bar this meant three separate tables of people who we assumed to be our friends who didn't seem to care to make an effort to suggest sitting in one large group. Which I mean, you don't feel like being overly social, fine, but at least come say hi to the other people at our table when you get up for your alcohol. I'm not sure exactly what we did to deserve to be ignored for the most part and only be included if forced, but I guess that way I at least know which friends are gonna be there when I really need them. Generally stuff like this doesn't bother me because I don't really care what people think, but after a while it starts to make me wonder and I suppose, more than anything, opens my eyes just a bit to the pettiness of some people. I'm sorry I can't be what you want, but I'm happy just being me.

But that's about it for now,
Take Care all


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