Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Monday, December 06, 2004

End Of Classes Already...Only Finals Left To Go

Once again the end of the semester is upon us, and I think I will be able to get out relatively unscathed. Oddly enough, this semester has seem to gone by a lot faster this year when I'm only working one job as compared to last year when I had two. Maybe it was just where I was working...time seemed to slow down cause I wanted out. :P I am looking forward to next semester though, despite the fact that I will have a total of 13 essays, 2 seminars, and an assignment a week to do in three months. Guess it will give me some good writing practice at least.

Can't say as I have anything too exciting to report otherwise. My life has consisted of homework and work over the last almost two months since I have posted and haven't done anything too overly exciting. I'm actually impressed I was able to take off home for a weekend and go for coffee or watch movies a few times with some of my friends. The kitty is just as crazy as ever and loves the new fishing rod style toy we bought for her. I think she's trying to figure out how to rip the toy off the stick so she can run off with it string and all. She has been more docile the last couple days though...must be a good storm coming, because otherwise she spends her days trying to find ways to irritate me...stepping on the power button on my keyboard for example and shutting my computer off when I'm in the middle of working on a paper. But yet I love her anyway, crazy isn't it.

I am looking forward to friday though. Aside from it being my birthday, I get to go bowling which I haven't done since I went bowling in pajamas about a month ago with my girls. Well okay, I guess there was something exciting then. After all it's not everyday I do go bowling in my pajamas.

But I think that is about all I've got for now.
Take Care all


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