Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

"Normal people scare me, but not as much as I scare them"

So I finally got all my student loan stuff sorted out after having to get a form redone, but at least I'll have some money for school...hopefully tomorrow too. Speaking of school, classes seem to be going pretty well. Although my prof for my horror fiction class sounds like The Count off of Sesame Street. Waiting for him to break out into some counting scheme while bats fly past, which I suppose is sort of fitting given it's a horror fiction class and we will be studying Dracula after all. Seems like a really good prof though, which are hard to find sometimes.

Done my summer job as well. Nice not to have to worry about a second job this year and be able to focus on school and only have to concern myself with the one job which is fairly easy and I will never give up for anything in the world.

But I guess that's about it for now,
Take Care all


Blogger Tanya said...

One.....ha ha ha.....Two......ha ha ha.....Three.....ha ha ha. Three bats...ha ha ha!

2:59 PM  

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