Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

On the road to recovery...sort of

The last while has been interesting. While I'm still sick, I at least have days where I am feeling better and somewhat normal, despite the bi-monthly colds/flus. But through many doctor's visits and a visit to a rheumatologist, we are hopefully getting closer to figuring out what is wrong. After my rheumatologist had gone through my list of seemingly strange symptoms, extending from sore joints and fatigue to gradual hair loss, reddening of my face, chest and arms, etc, she seems to believe that it is possible that I have Lupus. Hopefully the blood tests with confirm or negate her diagnosis so we can either start treatment or the process of narrowing it down even more. For those of you that do not know what Lupus is, it is an autoimmune disease. Like any autoimmune disease, it involves your body attacking its own tissues as they were invading bodies, most commonly connective tissues with this particular one. For the most part, people can live normal life spans and, in theory, with learning the proper way to take care of themselves, can lead a somewhat normal life. Not that I am trying to make it sound like it is not a serious condition, because it is and can lead to very serious complications. But like many things, I guess it is learning to deal with the bad and enjoying the good while you can. Obviously I am not an expert on the entailings of the condition, so I will include a couple of links for those of you interested in learning more.

I have learned a lot from these sites and my heart goes out to the people who have no support from their families or friends in understanding their disease, whether it be Lupus or anything, in understanding why they can't get out of bed, or go out, or do the things that they once did. It breaks my heart to find out that someones family can't even believe that they are sick and need help. Maybe it's denial, maybe it's wanting them to be better; whatever the reason, these people need to know that they are loved and that someone believes that they are sick.

But I should head off to class soon,
Take Care all,


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