Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Monday, October 15, 2007

I have a brain

So this morning was encompassed by a neurological test to read my brain waves to see if they can figure out what made angela end up in the er about a month ago. About all I know at this point is that I have a brain and the tech was doing a lot of typing, and produced some results, but nothing that they can share with me until after the neurologist looks at them to see if anything is funky. Maybe the last year has really been all in my head...ahaha...bad joke, I know. But hopefully in a couple weeks I will know if they did find anything wrong or not.

I realized the other day that it has been nearly a year since I started getting sick. This has made me realize two things: 1) You really don't realize how strong you are and what you can really do until something happens that throws a wrench into all the things you like to do. 2) It's okay to admit that you can't do killed me to have to leave a physically intensive job for one that anything but physical intensive (mentally sometimes, yes, but that's just because this job makes me want to bash my head against me cubicle wall some days as some people are, how do I say this...special? But my supervisor advised against it as it would be physical damage and void my warranty, even though I am still within my one year coverage (for anyone who does not know, I work in a call centre for a cell phone company - result - weird people who make corny jokes, but it's entertaining and pays the bills)).

And the biggest thing I have learnt is that being brave doesn't always mean never admitting defeat. More and more it means realizing that taking a day off if I need it isn't the end of the world, and nothing is going to come crashing down if I don't get something done on a specific day; unless of course I was an architect, then that might be a different story. And that taking that one day off the prevent three sick days later is okay.

I've also learnt a lot about myself and, even though I have days that I am very negative about how I feel, I try to be positive; I try to laugh everyday, and I try to appreciate the little things much more than I ever did - you don't realize how simply picking up a cup of coffee is until it hurts your fingers to grab the handle. And while being young doesn't make being sick any easier, it gives me a better chance to do what I can to try and feel better in years to come and not let this take as big of a toll of my body as it could have if it didn't hit until I was 40.

Although I have always had a sort of respect for the elderly, that respect has grown much more in the last year (and to the person that left the comment on my blog a couple posts ago, if you happen to come by here again, please leave an email if you wish; I would love to talk to you some more. Or even email me at

Also, as long as my doctor doesn't tell me no, I am considering doing the 5km walk for the Jingle Bell Run this year, which is sponsored by the Arthritis Society. I would do the running part, but a) I don't run unless something threatening my very being is chasing me and b) knowing me I would trip and fall and go tumbling into the Wascana or something. If anyone would like to pledge me to do the walk, let me know. Any pledges go the the Arthritis Society to fund many needed programs and research into the many types of Arthritis that are out there. The actual run/walk isn't until November 25th, so there is still some time. If anything, I want to at least volunteer for the event, so for those of you that do pledge me to walk, if for some reason I don't, the pledges will still go to the society anyway. Or if someone wants to join me, let me know. Registration is $40, did not see a deadline though, so I'm taking a guess that it's probably right up the time the walk/run starts.

But my half day off is almost over and I should go get ready for work,
Take Care all,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I read your blog. You are a good guy. It may have no sense but it's good to read.

3:16 PM  

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