So two doctor visits and a visit to a throat specialist and I still know nothing more than I did two months ago. On paper, I'm healthy. On paper, there is no reason I should be sick or for my glands to be slightly swollen in my throat and have trouble swallowing most days. 9 months of doctors visits and specialists and I still know nothing more than I did the first day my back started hurting or the first day I could barely button my jeans because of the pain in my hands. On the upside, I have had more good days than bad since May, gotten a new job (unfortunately not degree related yet, but still pays better) that involves no shift work and doesn't require me to constantly be on cement floor for 8hrs a day, which has helped a little. I have started doing Pilate's again and going for walks when it's not too hot out. I am hoping these help as much as changing jobs will. While it is still frustrating not knowing what it is that is making me sick, it is a relief to know it's nothing autoimmune, which eliminates many potential health complications for the time.
On the downside, the heat has made this week not a very good one, but still better than the bad weeks were some 4 months ago or so. At least I am hoping it is the heat anyway, and not that I am starting back to where I was in the winter cause that was not a fun time.
I have been doing some more research though into anything linked to symptoms that I have been experiencing since November. Anything that may mimic Lupus, but not appear on paper, anything associated with the pain, fatigue, increased skin sensitivity to the environment in general, anything at all the can explain what the doctor can't seem to find. In my searching, I came across Fibromyalgia (which my massage therapist mentioned the first time I went to see him and what my mom had even thought of knowing what I'm going through and what she's been going through with feeling crappy all the time and being in constant pain). In further research, many of the symptoms point to it being a very good possibility. Managed well, it can be tolerated, but, like Lupus and other autoimmune conditions, there are still days of flareups which can very much interrupt your daily activities. I have yet to run this past my doctor and, in a way, and afraid too as many doctors don't really believe in it and just believe everything is all in the person's head. My doctor has been really good up till now, but I have a feeling that she may be one of the non-believers. But I will still mention it, and see what she says. Even if it is not actually the cause of the problems, it's one more thing to rule out and one more step closer to figuring out what is wrong.
But in the meantime, I've just been trying to keep myself as positive as possible, especially now that Ian went to Alberta to work for a while, which has been a bit hard, but we keep in touch as much as possible, which is good. Otherwise, just been trying to focus on eating as healthy as possible and making sure I go for a walk or do Pilate's everyday to keep my energy level up and my attitude positive, especially since all I do now is sit at a cubicle and take calls all day. Definitely need that exercise, not only to keep from gaining 50lbs, but also just to keep myself feeling okay, because a couple weeks of just sitting around and all I will want to do again is sleep, even more than I want to now.
But it's Pilate's time,
Take Care all,
On the downside, the heat has made this week not a very good one, but still better than the bad weeks were some 4 months ago or so. At least I am hoping it is the heat anyway, and not that I am starting back to where I was in the winter cause that was not a fun time.
I have been doing some more research though into anything linked to symptoms that I have been experiencing since November. Anything that may mimic Lupus, but not appear on paper, anything associated with the pain, fatigue, increased skin sensitivity to the environment in general, anything at all the can explain what the doctor can't seem to find. In my searching, I came across Fibromyalgia (which my massage therapist mentioned the first time I went to see him and what my mom had even thought of knowing what I'm going through and what she's been going through with feeling crappy all the time and being in constant pain). In further research, many of the symptoms point to it being a very good possibility. Managed well, it can be tolerated, but, like Lupus and other autoimmune conditions, there are still days of flareups which can very much interrupt your daily activities. I have yet to run this past my doctor and, in a way, and afraid too as many doctors don't really believe in it and just believe everything is all in the person's head. My doctor has been really good up till now, but I have a feeling that she may be one of the non-believers. But I will still mention it, and see what she says. Even if it is not actually the cause of the problems, it's one more thing to rule out and one more step closer to figuring out what is wrong.
But in the meantime, I've just been trying to keep myself as positive as possible, especially now that Ian went to Alberta to work for a while, which has been a bit hard, but we keep in touch as much as possible, which is good. Otherwise, just been trying to focus on eating as healthy as possible and making sure I go for a walk or do Pilate's everyday to keep my energy level up and my attitude positive, especially since all I do now is sit at a cubicle and take calls all day. Definitely need that exercise, not only to keep from gaining 50lbs, but also just to keep myself feeling okay, because a couple weeks of just sitting around and all I will want to do again is sleep, even more than I want to now.
But it's Pilate's time,
Take Care all,
Yikes! I found your blog while looking up something else, but what a surprise. In a lot of ways you could be writing my diary--in your description of your pain and the frustration of trying to find a solution. I have some undetermined thing that's possibly Lupus but is, at the very least, some kind of "connective tissue disorder." I am lucky enough to have a doctor who has Lupus and whom I can trust not to blow it off. It's hard to deal with others' lack of empathy, it's frustrating to thrash around unsuccessfully looking for a way to cure it or fix it, and it causes one to have every angry, depressed emotion you described when your doctor(s) don't seem to take it seriously. Don't they get it? Don't they realize the drain that comes from being in pain ALL OF THE TIME? Hang in there. I have learned small ways to cope better through much trial and error, and only after relaxing and not trying too hard to fix it. I mean I worked tirelessly in the beginning looking for every solution I could find and it amounted to about 90% frustration. It is hard to get hopes up for a cure or some relief and have it fall through, but I have been surprised to find--accidentally after having given up on looking for a cure--things that help, like gardening outside when it is cool. Is it the fresh air? The vitamin D? A bit of physical activity? Who knows? It seems to work. So I am totally operating on experiential/anecdotal learning with occasional input from other people I know who have Lupus. Nothing much to say to offer help except to reaffirm that YOU ARE NOT CRAZY. Well, and also, there are lots of different combinations of mild pain/neuro drugs that can be tried, so if you're just doing maximum Tylenol and maximum Motrin, insist on other drug choices to add to them. Some types of antidepressants work well for chronic pain management ... Yeah, I know. Then there's the fine balance. Do you need to yell louder so that you can be sure that the doctor understands that you are serious about your pain, or do you try to stay calm and rational in your requests so that the doctor does not dismiss you as a hysteric? And if you ARE calm and rational and reasonable, will you be rewarded with baby aspirin? Makes you want to be kinder to old people, doesn't it?
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