Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Have I Finally Had Enough?

So why is it that a pysch major can beat me on an English midterm which is supposed to be my major? And my other major, Geography, a Biology major beat me on the midterm for that class too. Maybe it was the fact that I had three midterms in a row and can't contain that much information in my head. Maybe I'm losing my touch cause I've been in school to long. Whatever it is, it kind of discourages me a little for the rest of the semester and makes me stress over everything else I have to do, which is something I normally don't do. I never stress over homework because it doesn't do me any good. But I am finding that I can't help wondering about it. I mean I did still pass both midterms, the English one with a decently better mark than the Geography one, but still. I accept the fact that I'm obviously not the smartest one in either of my majors, but it disconcerts me a little bit when the people doing better are the people that have a completely different major. Maybe I'm just reading into the exam questions to much and in essence missing something simple that would have given me more marks. Maybe I'm just missing something in general that I should be seeing. Whatever the case, its got me a bit down and I don't really want to even write anything for the rest of this semester because I feel as if I won't do that good on it anyway, so why bother. But at the same time, if I don't I fail. So I guess I will have to work with my inadequacies and hope they turn out decent in the end, although probably not as good as the others with completely different fields as mine. Maybe I'm just being stupid over this and should realize one exam isn't going to determine the rest of the semester...and that I always do better on assignments. But I can't help wondering what has happened. Oh well, as long as end up with the same marks in the end that I usually do, I guess it will be alright, but until then, I'll try not to stress out over this too much and bury myself in a book and under the mass amount of proofreading I may have to keep me occupied soon as well. Or just drink lots and lots of cherry whiskey...see how it goes :P

Take Care all,