Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Thursday, February 15, 2007

So my mood had been holding fairly steady the last while...not always fantanstic, but doing decent. The last couple days not as much though. Last night likely studying for French was stressing me out; today, after French quiz, not to sure. Just not really myself again and things that don't normally bother me are in times they do, at times they don't.

Someone told me yesterday that I need to keep a positive attitude and realize it could be worse. Yes it's true there are others far sicker than me, and I'm glad I can at least get out of bed and sort of function for a whole day. But at the same time, it's hard to keep yourself positive when you are sitting in class or at work, feeling in a decent mood, then from out of nowhere your stomach starts turning or a pain in your side nearly knocks the wind out of you or a sharp pain in your head makes you want to cry or a pain in your hand or wrist or elbow or under your shoulder blade makes you almost drop things. Those reminders that you aren't healthy can really destroy a decent mood and make it hard to look on the bright side of the pain.

Maybe once I know what it is, it will be easier to deal with as I know more or less what to expect and how to deal with attacks when they happen. But until then, it is hard to know what to do or not to do to not make it worse.

On the upside, even though most of the day was spent studying, I did have a decent Valentine's Day. I made Ian and I supper with the unfortunate incident of dropping a cheesecake, but we salvaged what we could and it was still tasty. And he got me a very nice necklace made of magnitite with white and silver beads...magnitite which is supposed to help with arthritis and tedonitis and a blue stone (Lapis Lazuli I believe) braclet that is to help with the immune system, cleansing the blood, asthma and respiritory problems, and clear the mind. Who knows if they will work, but they are still nice all the same.

But I suppose I should go for now,
Talk care all,