Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Saturday, September 29, 2007


So even though i hadn't felt spectacular the last while, I had been doing alright. Last thursday threw a giant loophole into that. I apparently had a seizure (possibly a mild stroke) at work. Scared the crap out of my poor coworkers and don't remember any of it. Was sitting at my computer, everything when weird and fuzzy, then there were two EMT's standing over me. The er doc had no clue what could have caused it and will now be going for a bunch of neurlogical tests to see if anything shows up. I also switched my family doc. The one that I had was really nice, but the desire to figure out what is wrong with me just hadn't really been there after nothing showed up on paper. This lady seems a lot more determined to figure it out, especially the most recent event, so hopefully she can shed some light on it that the other doc couldn't. But in the meantime, its baby asprin and as much rest as possible for me without missing too much work.

As crazy as the whole thing was, the worst part was my family flipping out cause I wasn't answering my phone (no cell phones in the er) and not knowing where I was until I finally got out of the hospital at 12:40 that night. I guess whoever originally entered my information into the computer at work had a real brainwave and didn't enter the emergency contact information so my boss had no way of getting a hold of anyone and by the time i got the er nurse to call a couple times, the line was busy cause they were trying to call me every five minutes. But I eventually got a hold of them and, while they were worried about me cause of what happened, were at least releived it didn't have a worse outcome. My Ian is also freaking out a bit, which I don't blame him, because he's a province over and there is really nothing he can do. He was going to head home for a bit, which would have been nice, but there is really no point in both of us losing money because I'm broken. I assured him that I should be okay and that I do have people within the city to look after me. Don't think it made him feel lots better, but knowing there is someone at least closer than him helps a bit I guess. Not knowing exactly what happened is probably the scariest part though because it means I don't know if it's going to happen again or if it was a freak happenstance. But maybe one day they will figure it out.

But in the meantime, take care of myself, concentrate on finding a better paying job and doing what I can until I hopefully feel better. I should also head out for now. Baba came up to visit this weekend and I think the soup she's making is almost ready...hehe.

Take care all,