Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Monday, April 18, 2005

Peeps the Night Stocker

So I started my first night shift this past friday stocking shelves and the like. I don't mind it so far...actually like it better than last summer when I was unloading trucks. Not that I minded the unloading, but certain people just drove me up the wall. Last night I got to switch around all the sale stuff, which was different, but alright. Course just before last coffee, one of my friends (and co-worker) thought it would be funny to pour cold water down my back...which actually felt nice cause I was warm...but I got him back before he got me again. Now I must plot my revenge...hehe.

But I should probably go study now...I have to write a final in a little less than 9 hours,
Take Care all

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Nector of the Idiots?

So I ended up with a cold this week. Fun fun. Even more so when I have to be up at 5:30am for work twice this week. Oh well, I'm sure I'll live, and if not, I had a good run.

I was sitting in one of my classes earlier this week listening to the annoying guy in the corner gabbing about people with blogs. Apparently he seems to think they are the nector of idiots and run by only people who like to complain about their life. As I contemplated throwing my water bottle at him, later coming to the conclusion that it would be a waste of energy and a water bottle, I wondered if he had one too because he sure likes to complain. Obviously I wouldn't agree with him. Sure, to an extent they seem to be a place for people to vent about their day, I know I even do it, but more so they are an outlet for creativity and a way to connect with people. They also seem to be a neat way to improve your writing because you become more aware of it knowing that potentially millions of people could be seeing what you are writing. Or maybe they are just to perpetuate our need for attention. I guess we all have our reasons for writing one of these things. I still haven't quite figured out my reason per sea, but maybe one day I will.

But the cough syrup is calling my name,
Take Care all