Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Thursday, March 04, 2004

I'm not that gullible

I was waiting for my class to start this afternoon and was wandering around the hall looking at the articles on the wall to pass the time. One of the profs posted a story from The Onion (and online newspaper that contains much satire...I can add it to my links list for interest sake) that was, as I saw it, to poke fun at dieting. As I was reading it, one of the profs was walking by, stops, leans over and has the tenacity to tell say "I think that's supposed to a joke". Normally things people say don't irritate me that much, but this did. First for the reason that he is supposed to be an educator of high esteem teaching people that do have some smarts to them; so to me this would seem as if he thinks I'm too stupid to recognize fact from satire. The other reason it irritated me was that there was possibly some underlying message that just because I'm female I'm looking for any diet I can get my hand on to allow me to lose weight and look like some skinny supermodel. I don't know, maybe I'm just reading to much into his comment, but it still irritated me on some level. But I also know that I'm never going to look like some supermodel and I'm fine with that. I have no problem with the way I look, but if someone does, that's not my concern. I'd rather live my life being known for what I have accomplished, not for how skinny I can be. I suppose I just find it kinda sad that he would potentially think that that was the reason I was reading the article, and also that I would take something like that seriously.


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