Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Thursday, May 27, 2004

Four days till move...

So we are getting closer to moving day. I'm still pretty pumped...our new place is gonna be great. Still finishing out my last two weeks at my one job though. It's funny...I realized the other day that I think I will actually miss working there. I know I complain about it, but I think the part that makes me not like it is certain people's lack of work skills. I love most of the people I work with, and I really do like where I work, but just a certain set of people make me hate being there some days. But in the end, a job switch is better for me because I still am not guaranteed hours...something that I cannot afford during my non-school months. So I think I will miss it some days, but will still enjoy my other job...especially the guaranteed

Other than that, I don't think I have much else to say today, except for it's gonna be a busy week with work and moving. Should be fun.

Take Care all,

Thursday, May 20, 2004 pointy knives

Yea, so I didn't get the position as a night stocker, but I did get offered the same amount of hours unloading trucks. I get paid a little less that I would have for night crew, but at least I'm still guaranteed 37.5 hours a week. So hopefully it will be alright for the next few months anyway. I still haven't decided if I'm going to keep a second job come fall or not, but I can always figure that out later. Oh and I get a utility knife to cut boxes open for those of you curious about the title of the

Other than that, there's not much else new. Movin day's getting closer and I'm still excited...hopefully I won't actually have to work that day since I still have to serve out the last two weeks at my hated job that I am leaving the new one for. Still an usher though and will be till they kick me

But I think I'm going to bed now
Take Care all,

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Peeps the Night Stocker...well maybe soon.

Okay, that was weird...I just wrote a post, published it and it all disappeared...hmmm...anyway I suppose I can try my best to remember what I was just rambling about.

Oh yes, my one job still sucks, I have 4 1/2 hours in the next two weeks and the days my boss calls me to work, which are often, I already have stuff planned that I absolutely cannot change. I just wish she would make up her mind what she's doing. Either you want me there or you don't. Grrr.

I guess on the plus side it does give me time to pack to get ready to move on the 1st. Also, I went for an interview this morning for a job that would guarantee me 37.5 hours a week and a half decent hourly rate. Granted the hours are 11pm to 730am to stock shelves, but I think it would be a nice change from constantly having to deal with the public, which I generally enjoy except for the people that you just can't please no matter how nice you are or what you try to do. So hopefully if I didn't screw up to badly on the questionnaire's...hmmm...I will get a call back.

So I'm hopin I can get that job and get out of the one I hate. I'm also pumped about moving...our new place is gonna be great...and much closer to the University so maybe I'll actually get some

But I should go do some packing,
Take Care all,

Saturday, May 01, 2004

Soon I'll be in tin-can-on-a-string phone distance from Mel

So we found a new apartment yesterday. More than we're paying now, but it's really nice and closer to school for me as well, which is always a plus.

I still am not getting the amount of hours that I asked for at my job either...I think I should find something else...and I'm getting pretty sick of all the crap that goes on in that place. At least I still like my other job though...too bad I can't get a ton of hours there for the summer.

But I'm gonna go get ready to go to hell, I mean, work.

Take Care all