Come to the Dark Side, We Have Cookies

Welcome to my sleep deprived world of work, dust bunnies, and a crazy cat. I admit it's a little scary, but really it's all good

Location: Canada

Sunday, February 29, 2004

"Oh, I'm sorry Timmy, but you need 15 tickets to live"

I woke up yesterday morning, turned over, and landed one something soft and fuzzy. At first I thought I squished the cat, or was half expecting an overgrown dust bunny with a dust spray uzi, but instead it was a stuffed animal that the kitty brought for me to show me what a big vicious hunter she could be.

Other than that, I finally have a Sunday off. I'm quite enjoying it actually. I think the cat likes it too...she's been running around most of the day causing trouble. Such a brat, but so cute.

But I think that's all for now,
Take Care all

Thursday, February 19, 2004

There's no snooze button on a cat who wants breakfast

So Spitfire has always taken a great interest in the water as it goes down the drain. Which is pretty funny, but now she's discovered that the water won't hurt her she's developed the habit of crawling into the sink when there's still an inch or so of water left, watch the water go down the drain and try to catch it as it goes down. Very amusing. At least until she shakes her paws off and completely soaks me...:P And now she is asleep on top of my moniter. Oh well, I guess whatever keeps her warmest ...and out of trouble...for the time anyway.

But I think that is about now.

Saturday, February 14, 2004

Happy Valentine's Day

So I was supposed to work at 11 this morning, but my manager called and told me I could either come in at 3 or take the day off. And since I feel like crap I decided to take the day off to rest. So really it's been a good day so far.

And to everyone out their I wish you all a Happy Valentine's Day and hope that if you haven't found someone special that you do today...just try not to do it drunk and half topless...those never really seem to work out...but really who am I to judge, that's where I met my fiance...although minus the drunk and half topless thing, but still the whole bar thing...hmm. Somehow I'm thinking that my train of thought derailed somewhere along the line there. Oh well, hopefully something usuful can be pulled out of that...hmm

But I am going to go pull the cat away from my roses that's she's trying to eat right now.

Take Care all,

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

My cat is a freak

My cat thinks she's funny. She was sitting on my computer desk pulling the cd's off my shelf. Maybe she just doesn't like my taste in music or was tired of listening to the Simpsons on tv...hmm. Either way I was half expecting her to open the cd drive and throw a cd in for background noise in her path of destruction.

I also wrote a midterm today. I often wonder if it's a bad thing when I walk out of the room and don't remember what I just wrote. Maybe it's better that way.

But I suppose I should go work on my essay that's due tomorrow. See if I can remember any of that come morning...that is if I'm not watching the sun come up through my living room window as I'm finally working on my conclusion.

Oh well, tis life

"'Kitten: Homicidal muffin on legs"...who in my case just knocked a Finding Nemo miniature mug onto my keyboard...gotta love it

Thursday, February 05, 2004

Ice and backs don't mix

So after 43.5 hours of week I am finally done for the week. It's kinda nice and probably good since I fell on ice yesterday and hurt my back Hence why I declined a 5 hour shift for tonight. As much as I like money, I decided that I'd give me back a rest. Besides I should really get to some of that homework stuff done anyway before I go home for the weekend. But I should leave you for now. The class before me let out and I should get there before my seat gets stolen...grrr

Anyway, Have a fantacular day and I will bid you goodbye for now

Monday, February 02, 2004

5 am really sucks

So I've had a fuun week. 42.5 hours in six days, blah. Wouldn't be so bad, but i haven't worked that much in a while, so I'm not used to it anymore...maybe I'm just getting
But other than that, not much has happened. I'm pretty boring when all I do is work....hehe
But I am going to go recover from having to get up at 530 this morning to work 7 to 10, then do a close elsewhere...:p
Oh well, such is life

Take Care all